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2001/05/16(03:05) from
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"Beam me up!                              _______----_______
 There's no intelligent        ___---~~~~~.. ... .... ... ..~~~~~---___
 life on this planet."     ==============================================
________________________- .. ..   _--~~~~~-------____-------~~~~~
(____________________][__)____     -
  /       /____---~~~.. .. ..~~-_~
 /_____________________________-            Rich Cacace
     ~~~~~~----__           _-              cacace@jocasnext1.eglin.af.mil

Jean M. Pajerek             |\_____/|
Head of Cataloging          |[o] [o]|
Cornell Law Library         |   V   |
Ithaca, NY 14853            |       |
jmp8@cornell.edu           -ooo---ooo-
ianmitch@acs.ucalgary.ca                              /]
                                                    / ]
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"Fins to the left                   _______________/   ]__            / ]
Fins to the right               __/                      ------------  ]
And you're the only            /      {@}                              ]
        bait in town..."     /..                                      ]
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 COXRL@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU              / O   O \
   122 Riverwood Ave              |   (@)   |
   Bowling Green, KY              \    ~    /
      42103-6234                   \ <}*{> /
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| _Far_Point_Station_                           (\              |
| UseNet  john@ephsa.sat.tx.us                   \\__/(\        |
| FidoNet 1:387/31.57                             Q Q  \)       |
| where the mome raths hath grabe               =(_T_)=         |

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    | | __ _ _ __(_)*  Jari Santana                          /   "~"  |
 _  | |/ _` | '__| |*  santanay@eniac.seas.upenn.edu        Y     _,  |
| |_| | (_| | |  | |*                                      /| ;-"~ _  l -Row
 \___/ \__,_|_|  |_|*  University Of Pennsylvania         / l/ ,-"~    \
 _______            *   (215) 573-5055                   \//\/      .- \
/_/ /_(_)___  __  __*                                     Y        /    Y
 / / / / __ \/ / / /* *Lotsa Love & Hugs & Lil Kisses*    l       I     !
/ / / / / / / / / / *                                     ]\      _\    /"\
/_/ /_/_/ /_/|__, /  * ><> Email me! I LOVE email!!! <><  (" ~----( ~   Y.  )
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*/     --'                    --gwen
\  _\ '_                       tvass@polyslo.calpoly.edu

::::::::  (_\_|___|_/_)  ::.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
::::  ____/\__(o o)     :::.: Joe Thomas        {8-)        joetho@symix.com :
:::  / moose  _\ /  :::::::.: Lead Software Engineer, Symix Computer Systems :
::  #|_____|_/  O  ::::::::.::..............................................::
:::  | \   | \    :::::::::.: "Cogito Ergo Spud - I Think, Therefore I Yam." :
:::  ^  ^
Gregory Goldstein     |\   \\\\__     o
CNA                   | \_/    o \    o
4401 Ford Avenue       > _   (( <_  oo
Alexandria VA 22304   | / \__+___/
(703) 824 - 2149      |/     |/

      ____  __.---''---.__  ____
      /####\/              \/####\
     (/~~~~~)              (~~~~~\)
      \__OO/ Pieter du Toit \OO__/
    __/    Zoology Department    \__
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 |  |   \.._      (oo)      _../   |  |
  \  \    \.'-.__________.-'./    /  /
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  ___\  \_ZLAPDT@ZOO.UPE.AC.ZA_/  /___
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\              FAX: 532317             /
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Washington, D.C.                            (----)

  (\__/)  .~    ~. ))
  /O O  ./      .'               PATRICK DOUGLAS CRISPEN
 {O__,   \    {                   PCRISPE1@UA1VM.UA.EDU
   / .  . )    \                THE UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA
   |-| '-' \    } ))
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 '---.~_ _ _&                       Warning: squirrels.

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       >\\\|/<                       | Name generated by Figlet 2.0 |
       |_"""_|                       | Ftp'able from : ftp.isu.edu  |
       (O) (o)                       | Directory : /pub/figlet      |
+----OOO--(_)--OOOo------------------=| I was here 2! |=-------------+
|  Email: jorn@marge.mikom.csir.co.za  /  JHass@mikomtek.csir.co.za  |
|  SMail: Jorn Hass, Box 40773, Arcadia, 0007, Rep. of South Africa  |
+------|_______|--------( Hi Mom! )---------------------[ (C) 1993 ]-+


.  *        .       *           .     *  .     *   .     *    *     .       *
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\          /    \_   _/ \      *         *    *     andy@gollum.hcf.jhu.edu
\   . * _/  /\   \ / () \_       /\_       *      *   .       *    .    .
^ \_    /   _     _/       \    _/   \_ .  .           ANDY@JHUNIX.BITNET    .
   \ /`   ( )   /   <>     \_ /   <>  \      .   *     *    .    .     *
\    \_  ()   __/        ^    \  /\     \_ *    uunet!mimsy!aplcen!jhunix!andy
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\ --------- /|\________________________________________________/|
||:::/   \:::|||                Thom Gillespie                  ||
||::/     \::|||                                                ||
||:( (o)(o)):||| Indiana University      thom@ucs.indiana.edu   ||
||::\  .. /::||| SLIS Library 011        812-855-5120 (voice)   ||
||:::\ --/:::||| Bloomington, In. 47406  812-855-6166 (fax)     ||
||:::/\ /\:::|||________________________________________________||

              ____   ______
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            /      ^        \   ____________________________
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            \(( === ))))))))/   Pei Hui Tseng
             |(  @ )=( @  )|
            {|  ~~  |  ~~  |}   (614)291-7822
    __     __\      <      /    164 W. Oakland Ave. #C2
   /  \   /  \\   \___/   /     Columbus OH 43201
   \   \ /   / \_________/      USA
    \ _ V   /    |     |
   /\/ \  _ |  (((((((((((      Waiting for your reply!!!
  / |   )/ _ \                  ____________________________
  \_/\_/(_/(  )
   \_       _/
     \_    /


 |      |        GOODBYE!
 |      |
 | (o)(o)        Meindert de Jong
 C      _)       e-mail: Vlinders@rcl.wau.NL
  | ,___|
  |   /
 /____\          "This never happened to
/       \          Bart Simpson"



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  /  ` '  \  ^-^   / ,'.-----.||
::/.-.   .-.\ ---__||/:/ _   _ \|B.D.S."Don"McConnell::UW Mathematics Dept
:|(  o) (o  )|_,'   `:| (o) (o) |:::::::mcconnel@math.washington.edu::::::
:( `. |_| .' )/       \    A    )http://www.math.washington.edu/~mcconnel/
::\ (     ) /(  _, ._  )       (|::: * HAVE * AN * APOCALYPTIC * DAY * :::
 )_/ --- \_(| 'O) (O` |`HHHHH'/|
   `.___,'  \ `  |  ' /|     |||  _
,-.' `._.-.__\\ ._. //__;---' `-.' `-.
( I am soooo /||/___\||\...I could eat_)
( hungry..._) \  .  / (_Four Horses! )
 `-^._,^-._)   `---'   (_,-._.^-^._,'



- Tim  \\\|///
       \\|//       Tim.Stammers@Dartmouth.edu
        0 0


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 `,| | |   ,-. ,-. ,-. ,-.                      '|___/ ,-. .-| ,-. ,-. |- ,-.
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                 ///           |||~          \\\
                (0 0)         (0 0)         (0 0)
Anita Susan Brenner                            brenner@well.sf.ca.us
Torres & Brenner                               brenner@netcom.com
301 East Colorado Blvd.                        818.792.3175
Suite 614
Pasadena, California 91101



                     (0 0)
          |        Bert Delgado    |
          | delgadob@solix.fiu.edu |
                     || ||
                    ooO Ooo


  ||SWETLFR                                                    ||
    ||V.P. Anime-Earlham                                         ||
    || Eagles soar, but weasels never get sucked into jet engines||
       "...it's either real/or it's a dream/there's nothing that is in
between/Twilight...I only meant to stay awhile..."
                                               -WELCOME TO TWILIGHT-
                                                 I'll be your guide...
From: swetlfr@earlham.edu

Jeanne Sawtelle, graduated   EE| "EE's are intelligent, really.  They're just
petra@dizzy.wpi.edu            | plain sadists, that's all" -Prof. Mary Hardell
Worcester Polytechnic Institute|                             CS department, WPI

//              MERRY      / \       ******       CHRISTMAS!       \\
//                        @@@@@@@      ___     ______                \\
\\                        / \ @\__* __/@ / \  /  ___/                //
\\___@@__________________\_/   mm/\__   \_/_/__/___________________//
 |  @@   Jerry Carlson  @@@@@@@\\    |        (303) 495-7323        |
 |  @@ Poudre Valley Hospital |      |      jerry@teal.csn.org      |
 |  /@@____________________\  |      |  /________________________\  |
 |___\|___\           |___\|___\    /___|/___|             /___|/___|



    /     \ _
    ~x   .-~_)_
      ~x".-~   ~-.             I have a name:
  _   ( /         \   _          Chau Man Chun (Zhou1 Wen2cong1)
  ||   T  o  o     Y  ||
==:l   l   <       !  I;==     I have a home:
   \\   \  .__/   /  //          http://www.se.cuhk.hk/~mcchau3/
    \\ ,r"-,___.-'r.//           hosting Charlie Yeung and cool links
     }^ \.( )   _.'//.
    /    }~Xi--~  //  \
   Y    Y I\ \    "    Y
   |    | |o\ \        |       So,.. so what?
   |    l_l  Y T       |         Just Do It: finger -l mcchau3@se.cuhk.hk
   l      "o l_j       !
    \                 /
_,.---^.     o       .^---..



 //                         /-\       $$$                         \\
//           HAPPY        _/__[]_     %%%      THANKSGIVING!       \\
\\                         /  @\__ __/@  \                         //
 \\________________________\_/___/ \___\_/________________________//
 |         Jerry Carlson      |       |        jerry@csn.org       |
 |    Poudre Valley Hospital  |       |        303/495-7323        |
 |  /-----------------------\ |       | /-----------------------\  |
 |__\|__\               |__\|__\     /__|/__|               /__|/__|



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               `" +========+           \\L__j^\/I       o
                  |Dragon  |            \/--v}  I     o   .
       Lisa Lai   |Riders  |            |    |  I   _________
                  |of Pern |            |    |  I c(`       ')o
                  """"""""""            |    l  I   \.     ,/
                                      _/j  L l\_!  _//^---^\\_    -Row
                      (Rowan Crawford)



                        Ted D. Conley
                            _   _
                    .oooO  / ) ( \  Oooo.
                    (   ) / (   ) \ (   )
                     \ ( (   ) (   ) ) /



          . -- .          Randy's Plan is brought to you today by
         (      )         the letters L, N, and by the number 10.
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w"    "w    =  =    ||||||||||||W            W|||||||||=========|
 Elmo    Big Bird     Oscar    Cookie Monster  Bert     Ernie

             \~\|  ~~---___              ,                          | \
              | Wash./ |   ~~~~~~~|~~~~~| ~~---,                VT_/,ME>
             /~-_--__| |  Montana |N Dak\ Minn/ ~\~~/Mich.     /~| ||,'
             |Oregon /  \         |------|   { WI / /~)     __-NY',|_\,NH
            /       |Ida.|~~~~~~~~|S Dak.\    \   | | '~\  |_____,|~,-'Mass.
            |~~--__ |    | Wyoming|____  |~~~~~|--| |__ /_-'Penn.{,~Conn (RI)
            |   |  ~~~|~~|        |    ~~\ Iowa/  `-' |`~ |~_____{/NJ
            |   |     |  '---------, Nebr.\----| IL|IN|OH,' ~/~\,|`MD (DE)
            ',x \ Nev.|Utah| Colo. |~~~~~~~|    \  | ,'~~\WV/ VA |
             |Cal\    |    |       | Kansas| MO  \_-~ KY /`~___--\
             ',   \  ,-----|-------+-------'_____/__----~~/N Car./
              '_   '\|     |      |~~~|Okla.|    | Tenn._/-,~~-,/
                \    |Ariz.| New  |   |_    |Ark./~~|~~\    \,/S Car.
                 ~~~-'     | Mex. |     `~~~\___|MS |AL | GA /
                     '-,_  | _____|          |  /   | ,-'---~\
                         `~'~  \    Texas    |LA`--,~~~~-~~,FL\
                                \/~\      /~~~`---`         |  \
                                    \    /                   \  |
                                     \  |                     '\'

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   *                        ""    ""                              ""    ""     *
   *     Exciting             Angry               Sad               Happy      *
   *     ~~~~~~~~             ~~~~~               ~~~               ~~~~~      *
   *                                                                           *

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