
2000/07/20(16:56) from
ÀÛ¼ºÀÚ : ±Ý´©¸® (gumnuri@chollian.net) Á¶È¸¼ö : 470 , ÁÙ¼ö : 16
³»·Á¹Þ±â : handscape_case_diagram.jpg (133 Kbytes)


An Orientation -Aware Computer augemented digital measuring tape / collaboration with Victor Su, Sandia Ren, Rujira Hongladaromp and Hiroshi Ishii / Tangible Media Group,  MIT Media Laboratory / Presneted at Millenium Motel - Emerging Technology at SIGGRAPH 1999, LA Convention Center, Los Angelese / Full Paper Technical Program at CHI 2000, The Hague Convention Center, The Hague, The Nethelands

HandSCAPE is a vectorizing digital tape measure as an input device for digitizing field measurements, and visualizing the volume of the resulting vectors with computer graphics. Using embedded orientation-sensing hardware, HandSCAPE captures relevant vectors on each linear measurements and transmits this data wirelessly to a remote computer in real-time. Combining physical measuring and computer modeling as a seamless step enhances the efficiency of on-site measuring tasks with the addition of digital functionality.
The potential utility of HandSCAPE is for on-site measuring application areas such as archeological surveys, interior design, and storage space allocation. Thus, HandSCAPE is a tangible interface that provides seamless relationships between digital and physical space, and preserves human senses and skills.

HandSCAPE exhibited at SIGGRAPH '99
HandSCAPE full paper presented at CHI '00

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